I just read this a few minutes ago. I never do this, but I feel compelled to because I truly hate Donald Trump.
It’s not an avid dislike. It’s hate with the heat of 1000 suns.
The night after Trump made his plea to Russian Intelligence to hack our country to find Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, Stephen Colbert right before he began his show warmed up his audience with this.
One of Colbert’s questions dealt directly with the perceived friendship between Trump and Putin.
“If you had Donald Trump on the show tonight, what would you ask him?” a woman who said she was a college student asked Colbert.
“Well we’re not broadcasting right now, so I’d say ‘What does Vladimir Putin’s dick taste like?’” Colbert said, which incited a giant roar from the crowd.
“Colbert shocks his audience by admitting the NSFW question he would ask Donald Trump” rare.us Douglas Barclay, June 29, 2016
Sorry to offend. I just had the urge to do this because...well, you know.